“India Company (Rein) embarked aboard MPS Squadron Three, arrived at the Commercial Port of Jubail, KAS. India Company (Rein) assumed the mission of local security for the MPS offload.” — Source: 3rd Battalion 3rd Marines Command Chronology for Period 1 July to 5 September 1990
Category Archives: India Company
India Company Arrives in Diego Garcia
“India Company (Rein) linked-up with MPS Squadron Three” — Source: 3rd Battalion 3rd Marines Command Chronology for Period 1 July to 5 September 1990
BBND 1ZZ, British Indian Ocean Territory
India Company Departs Hawaii
“India Company (Rein) departs Kaneohe Bay MCAS via Hickam AFB to link up with MPS Squadron Three from Diego Garcia.” — Source: 3rd Battalion 3rd Marines Command Chronology for Period 1 July to 5 September 1990